Buy a product as you have done so far in any e-commerce.

Use it, enjoy it and take care of it for 6 months.

In month 6 you decide if you keep it or return it.

If you decide to return it, you won't have to do anything. We organize the collection, you will not have to pay for shipping.

It is important that you keep the original labels of the product for its return. It will include a unique code that helps us guarantee the authenticity and traceability of the garments.

Once you have returned the product you will receive the amount of the guaranteed refund on your credit card.

The returned products will be reconditioned, repaired if necessary, and put back on sale in our archive section for a second use.

The process will be repeated over and over again as long as the condition and useful life of the product allows it.
At the end of it, we ourselves will be in charge of treating the waste in accordance with the new EU regulations regarding textile waste, guaranteeing with legal documentation that it does not end up in a landfill.

In those cases in which the brands or designers wish to do so, we will return the recovered textile waste, the fibers or fabrics, to the supply chain of each brand.

This is the only way to be truly circular. From the beginning to the end of the useful life of the garment to integrating it back into the production of a new product. Everything else they tell you will be greenwashing.